
Ragging is entirely forbidden in the campus. If any student is found indulge in ragging, severe action will be taken against the student.


Ragging constitutes one or more of any of the following acts carried out in ANY AREA inside OR outside the College Campus.

  1. Any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student.
  2. Indulging in unruly or indiscipline activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause aggravation, destitution, physical or psychological harm or to raise fear or nervousness thereof in any fresher or any other student.
  3. Asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of instigating or engendering a sense of humiliation, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student.
  4. Any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of any other student or a fresher.
  5. Exploiting the services of a fresher or any other student for completing the academic tasks assigned to an individual or a group of students.
  6. Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a fresher or any other student by students.
  7. Any act of physical abuse including all variants of it: sexual abuse, homosexual assaults, stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm or any other danger to health or person.
  8. Any act or abuse by spoken words, emails, post, public insults which would also include deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or sadistic thrill from actively or passively participating in the discomfiture to fresher or any other student.
  9. Any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of a fresher or any other student with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student.




Anyone found guilty of ragging and/or aiding ragging, whether actively or passively, or being a part of a conspiracy to promote ragging, is liable to be punished in accordance with these Regulations as well as under the provisions of any penal law for the time being in force. The institution shall punish a student found guilty of ragging after following the procedure and in the manner prescribed herein under:

  1. The Anti-Ragging Committee of the institution shall take an appropriate decision, in regard to punishment or otherwise, depending on the facts of each incident of ragging and nature and gravity of the incident of ragging established in the recommendations of the Anti-Ragging Squad.
  2. The Anti-Ragging Committee may, depending on the nature and gravity of the guilt established by the Anti-Ragging Squad, award, to those found guilty, one or more of the following punishments:
    1. Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges.
    2. Debarring from appearing in any test/ examination or other evaluation process.
  • Withholding results.
  1. Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, tournament, youth festival, event etc.
  2. Suspension/ expulsion from the hostel.
  3. Cancellation of admission.
  • Rustication from the institution for period ranging from one to four semesters.
  • Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution for a specified period.
  1. Departure Certificate / Migratory Certificate will contain remarks associated with the offense related to ragging.

As per the guidelines of the UGC the College is to obtain undertaking from the students as well as from their parents, that the students will not indulge in any form of ragging. Every student should submit the undertaking signed by them as well as their parents to the office of the Principal, Government College of Physical Education within stipulated time.